So as it were no riots, no protests, no tear gas, the current government is still in power and Black Friday turned into a mellow day spent at the Hotel pool swimming laps and drinking Tiger beer on tap. As events were unfolding the previous week, political dissent seemed imminent. Although it’s surprising how quickly rumors of violent force on behalf of the government, the overall complacency of Maldivian people and a little rain can dispel an uprising. My perfect spot for filming the happenings: our balcony looking over the centre of town 3 floors up, went unused. Well at least all the pilots are still employed and we can stay down here for a while longer.
Another dhoni day has come and gone and it turned out to be yet another great surf day, surfing the other side of the island, which we had been to before. A right breaking wave named Sultans. The waves again were about chest high but not to consistent. Sometimes twenty minutes went by before a decent set came through. While out there a big storm came rolling over the island and for about a half an hour the heaviest rains I had ever been subjected to pounded down on us. It was amazing to be out there in this storm, as every so often you would have to slide off you board into the Ocean to warm up.
This past weekend Jess and I both got hit hard by health issues. Jess has been dealing with extreme tooth pain made worse by the constant change in altitudes she is subjected to on an hourly basis. We were both concerned with what this meant as a visit to the dentist in a country such as the Maldives did not seem to be an option. Jess had pictures of “The Little Shop of Horrors” running through her head. We inquired with a few of the veteran pilots as to what dentist was the best. Dr. (hacksaw) Didi was the resounding answer. As Jess couldn’t deal with the pain any longer she took the plunge and made the call. It ended up being a Root Canal! OUCH! (Both to Jess and our bank account) Within three hours she was out of there having the procedure completed during the same appointment as the consultation. We dreaded the bill. 600 Rufiyaa….50 CDN for a Root Canal! Not too bad and Jess’ tooth pain has subsided. After talking with other pilots we found out that at least 5 have braces from Dr. Didi as it is so cheap and the job seems to be done quite proficiently. My sickness wasn’t bad comparatively as I was just laid up due to vomiting and stomach pain for two days, food poisoning most likely. Were both well now and hopefully are in the clear for a while at least. Unfortunately our health issues caused us to miss dhoni day this week.
I started this morning with Yoga at 10 am, just enough time to read, have coffee, shower and walk to Silver Leaf, an air taxi apartment building with enough room to accommodate 10 members of the Wives Club. According to local legend I am the second Husband to accompany their partner to the Maldives. Interestingly enough I am a little more popular with the homophobic pilots than the last who actually was here with his Husband. Not a common occurrence in the pilot community.
Karen our instructor is another female pilot who has studied Yoga in Australia, on her days off she runs the class and puts us all through a vigorous yoga lesson which makes me sweat profusely a trait that makes me suspect I am not the most adored individual in the class by the other participants. It’s really great that there is someone here that can put the class on though as there are no Yoga studios in Male. An hour and half of Yoga and then time for tea and biscuits. Most of the members of the WC then head out to the airport hotel to lounge around the pool and I head out to the beach to check the waves.
Jess finally got her liquor permit and we put our November order in. Personal allowance is 3 bottles of Wine or Liquor and 60 cans of beer. Sounds like a lot but between two people it goes quick. Beers are ridiculously cheap a case of 24 costs 12 bucks 17 if its Heineken. I just got my Spousal Permit so now I won’t get kicked out of the country and more importantly I can apply for my very own liquor permit. As pilots come and go permits get passed around and just the other day I was picking up an order for Rhonda Atkinson a spouse who has not been in the Maldives for over six months!!
Perry one of the local CDN surfing pilots is leaving, sad to see him go but it means that his apartment overlooking the local surfbreak is up for grabs. Jess went and talked to DK the chief pilot and told him we were interested. DK an AUS and I are already surf buddies and thinks it would be a good idea especially because he would have someone to pull out of bed for Dawn Patrol (morning surf session. Here’s hoping we get the new apartment, it would definitely beat the hectic bike surf scenario that I’ve been managing lately.
Hey you two - current news stories suggest TOMKAT are in the Maldives...any chance my favorite pilot ferried them to their private bingalo??? Just curious.
No sighting as of yet but our eyes are definitely peeled. Haven't found out what island they are on. Big news though! We'll let you know if we have a chance run in.
Glad you both are over feeling crappy. I can hardly beleive that you guys have been there two months already. Time flies eh. I, too went for a bike ride today, but had to cut it short because the cold wind was hurting my ears...I hate to let fall go. I'm not ready for the cold part of winter. I will continue to experience the warmth through your blog!!
Sorry to hear about the health issues, but, alas, health issues in paradise, is better then having them here in snowy cowtown!
Snow season will soon be upon us, wait for pics of the cold excitement!
Hi there!
Sorry to barge in on your blog, but i'm thinking of potentially taking up a job in Male for a year as a teacher. Was curious to know, how difficult was it to procure a liquor permit(!), and was it very bureaucratic? How long did it take, steps involvedetc..sorry to bug you with the trivial, but i was just curious!-)
Many thanks, Cheers,
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